Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Reflective Post

One last link about food: Gastronomica Magazine is where I found a lot of discussion about food, culture, and television.  If you are a foody or just like pictures of food, its a good source.  The site has sample articles, but through USC libraries, you can definitely get access to more specific readings.

In regards to what I've learned over the past few weeks, I think that the arts & humanities are reflections of reality and truth.  Often times they can seem like representations of what the world is (i.e. photography, or documentaries), but the perspective of the authors inherently influence how any creative work is shaped and viewed.  My topic for A1: Exit Through the Gift Shop was a superb example of this, with Banksy exposing the soul-crushing subjectivity of the art world.  Even though the art world is flawed in this way, Banksy makes himself look like a saint and we forget that he might be part of the problem.  Aside from the idea of an author shaping a work, I think truth in the arts & humanities can be found even in the most abstract sense.  Jackson Pollack's paint splatters might not look much like anything other than just that, but if they might be representative of his emotions, then thats a form of 'truth' as well.    

Seeing art through an art major's lens, I find that its effect on its audience is an inspirational one.  Whether creative works inspire more questions, awareness, affinity, or disdain, it still brings about something new within the spectator.

I have learned that it takes endless hours to sift through research, and that I could go on for infinity looking for that perfect piece of literature that supports my thoughts... but that this maximizer mentality hurts me in the end, because I get lost in it instead of writing drafts.

Collaborative learning-for the few times that we have done so- both good and bad.  It truly requires one to be prepared, and I admit that for the second paper I was still struggling with my topic choices and thus did not have too much for others to comment on.  For the first paper though, I got a lot of thoughtful feedback that helped to improve my essay.  I would say the same of feedback during the presentation.

The experience of blogging has helped me to recognize my conversational writing voice... it is always satisfying when someone seeks to discuss a post with me, because that means that someone relates/ finds interest in my topic.  I have found enjoyment in posting on others' blogs too, because they give refreshing perspectives that living an insular lifestyle does not necessarily expose me to.  I've also learned that one of my majors, Communication, is more applicable than I had thought.  It comes in handy for pretty much anyone's topics.

The blog has certainly grown on me as I've gotten into the motions of posting more regularly.  However, a punishment of 5 pts. for perhaps posting one day late seems rather unfair, if the rest of the posts are of quality and quantity.  I do not learn best with such threats or extreme easygoing-ness, but instead, a happier medium.  And lastly, I might refer to this blog if I continue further research in Communication related to gender, food, or media.  Though I enjoy blogging, keeping up with a blog is a hard commitment.  It will be for the future to determine.

Now I think I'll go listen to some dubstep or watch some Star Trek.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, cool blog. I love your writing style in this blog- it's casual yet avoids sounding like a diary. I totally agree with what you said about art- I have always felt that art is simply a medium through witch ANYONE can express their views on ANYTHING. Like you said: art forms are just different lenses through which we can share our perceptions of the universe. Thanks for all your great comments on my blog and have a great break!

